วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Exercise during Pregnancy-- Is it ok?

Tired of back aches? Worried about becoming unhealthy during pregnancy?
Nervous about the delivery? Exercise during pregnancy can actually help in
all of these areas. There are many myths circulating that it is unsafe to
work out when pregnant, but, unless you have specific complications, this
is false.

Of course it is important to be careful about exercise when you are
pregnant. Every woman should consult with her doctor to make sure her
exercise program is safe and right for her circumstances. Often we take
the extremes in working out. Some want to push themselves to the edge of
their limits, as they may have done before pregnancy. Others are afraid of
doing any kind of exercise at all. Overworking your body is by far worse,
but with a moderate plan of exercise you can maintain good health during
pregnancy. Using a low impact workout will help you maintain your fitness
without jeopardizing your joints or your developing baby.

Some of the benefits of low impact exercise during pregnancy are to you
prepare your body for delivery, and to recover more quickly after
delivery. In working out, you can enhance your endurance levels and build
up the muscles you will be using in delivery. Keeping fit will cause you
to gain less overall fat and allow you to shed the extra weight of
pregnancy more quickly. The goal of exercising while pregnant is not to
lose weight but to sustain your health and fitness.

Other benefits are looking and feeling better! During pregnancy, stress
accumulates from the day to day worries and the changes occurring in the
body. Exercise is a natural stress reliever. It is a way to drive out your
frustrations. Your body releases endorphins when you work out which act as
a natural opiate to dull pain and just make you generally feel better. It
also stimulates the brain. Physical exercise gives your immune system the
boost it needs to be able to fight against colds and other illnesses.
Despite the changes in your body, with proper exercise you may even find a
better quality of sleep at night.

So what kinds of exercise are good in pregnancy? One of the best is
walking. A brisk walk is recommended, though you can take your walk at
your own pace according to how your body is feeling. Don't forget about
warm up and cool down periods. It is best to start your walk at a
leisurely pace for the first few minutes and then take it up to a more
vigorous level, remembering to take the last few minutes to cool down.
Also avoid the hottest parts of the day, as overheating and dehydration
are potentially dangerous for the fetus. Walking is just one option. You
can mold your workout routine out of your interests. Be careful of
activities or exercises that have lots of bouncing or require you to lie
on your back. Make sure to check your exercises out with your doctor, who
can advise you on their safety. Lookout for dizziness or extra pain, as it
is an indication that it is time to stop.

Obviously exercise is not the only important element of health during
pregnancy. Diet is essential to keeping your body and your baby's body
healthy and strong. Don't forget to add a prenatal vitamin to your diet
and eat foods that are rich in vitamins and carbohydrates. Taking care of
your body is the best thing you can do for your baby.

